Greetings Friends of CDP, both old and new!

We are excited to kick CDP into high gear this fall!

To Catch You All Up On The Latest:

**We are revamping our website to include more forums for political discussion, resources on understanding the city budget, links to our blog sites, and more!

**The Hack the Budget App–a suave app that easily connects us to our city budget and its programs is on its way.! After weeks of pressing the city to deliver us information on the budget, an East Bay Express article exposed the city for their lack of correspondence, and the very same day, we received the data we had been asking for! (how’s that for the power of the press?)

**BBQ THE BUDGET, coming to a local park/neighborhood near you. We look forward to building connections over delicious food! Stay tuned for our BBQs in October!

***Join us this Saturday to hit the streets to talk about controlling our money to change our city. We’ll meet from 12 pm to 3 pm; at Hardy Park in Oakland on the Corner of Hudson and Claremont. RSVP to Shawn at imagin… or 626-676-3636.
***We always welcome new faces of folks who would like to be involved at our weekly Tuesday night meetings. RSVP to communitydem… if you would like to attend! : )
Thanks for your support, and we’ll see you soon!
Sarah, CDP
Categories: Blog


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