As you know, members, co-directors, and supporters of The Community Democracy Project (Oakland) (“CDP”) gather signatures every single day to get our initiative on the 2016 ballot. If our initiative passes, Oakland will have the strongest #PeoplesBudget in the United States!
Our co-director Shawn McDougal is being charged with a misdemeanor: “Interfering with a Business” (California Penal Code Section 602.1) for talking with his neighbors shopping at the Oakland Grocery Outlet.
The security guards at the Grocery Outlet demanded that Shawn stop gathering signatures near the entrance of the store. They wanted him to relocate to a far, isolated spot with little to no foot traffic.
Shawn peacefully asserted his right to circulate petitions in any and all public access areas, including private/corporate property. Private and commercial development in Oakland has overwhelmed the development of public and communal areas, leaving fewer areas available for people to gather together and build community.
Shawn continued to gather signatures while the security guards hassled him. Eventually the guards called the Oakland Police Department and accused Shawn of “trespassing.” The responding officers threatened him with arrest if he did not leave the premises.
Since Shawn’s shift was minutes from being over, he decided to comply instead of spending the weekend in jail. Still, the cops gave Shawn a citation and now he risks being convicted of a misdemeanor.
JOIN US at the Wiley W. Manuel Courthouse (Department #107) to support Shawn and to let the City of Oakland know that we as a community will stand up against corporate and police harassment!
We’ll bring CDP pins and posters! See you on Monday at 9:00am!
After the hearing, we’ll debrief over brunch at a location TBD.
Make people power real in Oakland – join our teams at places such as these –
Friday, June 19 – Oakland Museum of California
Saturday, June 20 – Gazzali’s Supermarket
Sunday, June 21 – Juneteenth Festival
If you cant make it these times, we are everywhere throughout the city every day and weekday – check here to see updates each week about where we will be in the near future.
You can still support us by donating or getting a copy of the petition and gathering signatures any time, and sharing the campaign for a people’s budget in Oakland on social media – Instagram – Facebook – Twitter
Save the date! We will have a teach-in about Participatory Budgeting on July 3 at 6 pm, at Impact Hub Oakland.
In solidarity,
Tim and the CDP team